Jets Scholarship Applications Granted
Every year, JETS invites candidates to apply for scholarships which will help jockeys and former jockeys towards their future careers. Scholarships can be for any type of course although this year all three successful candidates applied for scholarships for Higher Education courses.
This year, the JETS Scholarship Committee has considered applications from three former jockeys and has awarded all three scholarships for the 2014/2015 academic year.
James Millman’s scholarship goes towards the second year of his law degree, Aodhagan Conlon will use his towards the degree in psychology he is starting at Bath Spa University, and Keith Mercer has been awarded his scholarship which goes towards the second year of his degree in Accounting and Finance at Teesside University.
These awards mean that the entire scholarship budget has been allocated. The committee noted that all three were strong applications and that following the successful completion/passing of this academic year, together with the receipt of relevant reports, future applications will be looked favourably on for these three candidates.
The next round of scholarships will be available from our next financial year – starting March 2015 so now is a good time to start considering what scholarships you could apply for in order for you to start a new type of training in 2015.
Find out how Keith Mercer and James Millman are getting on in our Blogs Section