Scholarships Available for Horseracing MBA Starting in September 2016
The Thoroughbred Horseracing Industries MBA at the University of Liverpool Management School was introduced in 2015 and is the only masters-level qualification in the world to be delivered through an exclusive partnership with Britain’s Horserace Betting Levy Board and the British Horseracing Authority.
Applications are now open for the 24-month part-time programme starting in September 2016 and consisting of ten compulsory modules, followed by a dissertation/work-based project carried out over the summer period. The HBLB has confirmed three scholarships will be awarded in full or part, based on an assessment over the summer. The normal fees for this course are £15,000 but JETS candidates interested in this course should register their interest with JETS Manager Lisa Delany by May 31st who can help them with a scholarship application.
Although UK based, our partners will provide access to the Thoroughbred Horseracing Industry across the globe. The programme combines the Management School’s expertise in sports industry management, with the specialist equine knowledge of the University’s School of Veterinary Science with a fantastic guest speaker programme as part of the course.
As an MBA programme it has the real business focus that management positions in modern horseracing demand. This is based on links with key sectors of the industry—from owners, trainers, leading racecourses and the media, to the gambling industry. If you’re looking to develop your skills as an effective manager and potential leader in the global horseracing industry, this is the MBA for you. The core elements of the programme – leadership, strategy, innovation, finance – are delivered in concentrated blocks to encourage a deeper understanding, with a strong emphasis on interactive teaching and learning.
MBA Candidates are normally expected to have a minimum of 2–3 years of substantive managerial experience in the private or public sector and hold a Honours degree (which may be in any discipline) however non-graduates who possess extensive professional experience are encouraged to apply.
Speaking about the suitability of former jockeys for this MBA, Director of Studies Neil Coster said, “Former jockeys obviously already have a huge amount of experience of horseracing and horse welfare so this MBA can build on that experience and help students develop the key professional and business management knowledge to enable them to find a lasting and successful career in the wider horseracing industry.”
Time is divided between the University’s city campus and Leahurst campus; the latter boasting world class equine facilities. Students also have the opportunity to undertake industry placements and visits to racecourses, studs, training facilities, media companies and companies in the betting industry.
For more information about all aspects of the course click here or email Director of Studies Neil Coster:
Alternatively you can sign up for a forthcoming online information session on Thursday 10th March.